Sunday, November 4, 2012

Here is another I just finished up last week for one of our sisters! Patina'd plank copper bolsters, black G10, acid etched S35VN blade and back spacer, also featuring the Pete Gray Ti thumb disk.

Thanks for lookin!


This one has been finished for a few days now, I just haven't had the time to get some pics up. This is the standard Drake, definitely one that you don't have to dedicate a entire pocket too. This one is also headed out to Hawaii. All Ti frame lock, 3 allot Timascus stop lock, pocket clip, floating back spacer, and pivot accent. The blade is 3.2" of hand rubbed Elmax powered by IKBS. Length closed is 4.6" and OAL is 7.8".

Thanks for lookin!


Saturday, October 27, 2012

This is the Drake XL powered by IKBS! The blade is hand rubbed Elmax measuring 3 3/4" long and 2 1/4" wide, at the widest point. The length closed is 5 1/4" and OAL is 8 15/16". The bolsters, clip and back spacer are 3 alloy Timascus and the scales are carbon fiber/Peek composite.

Thanks for lookin!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Here is a little something I put together for my son for his birthday. This is the mini Persian 5-OIKBS flipper. The blade is 2 7/8" hand rubbed S35VN, Ti bolsters, LVA CF scales, bronze ano'd Ti liners and deep carry pocket clip. OAL is 7 3/16" and closed is 4 5/16"

Thanks for lookin!


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Another one that I just finished up. I tweaked my Prometheus design a bit with a wider blade. Hand rubbed CPM-S35VN, toxic green thumb studs, back spacer, pivot surround and lock stop. The scale is LVA carbon fiber.

Thanks for lookin.


Saturday, September 29, 2012

This is my new Sheepsfoot design dubbed the Chimaera. I widened the blade a bit, threw on a serrated thumb ramp and stuffed a longer blade in the old handle. This is the 3.5" version with an OAL of 8 3/8" and a closed length of 4 7/8". This one will be heading off to Steel Treasure on Monday! :toxdance:

Thanks for lookin!


Sunday, September 16, 2012

This was of my first co-clab that I did for TAD Gear. These went to the USN knife show in Las Vegas, aka: The Gathering. TAD released 2 of these the first day and 2 more were set up for lottery drawings on the last day. From what I understand the 5th one was held back to be sold in one of their stores at a later and undisclosed date and time.

Thank for lookin!


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Here's another custom that made it to its new home yesterday. The bolsters are patina'd copper, somewhat of an old plank look to it, LSCF scales, an acid washed and swedged S35VN blade, and a dragons tail pocket clip...I had several made a few weeks back.

Thanks for lookin!


Monday, September 3, 2012

I just finished this sweet little number up for our brother Nick out in Hawaii. I threw out some suggestions , he liked what he heard, so this is what came up with. 

The blade is W2, the bolsters, back spacer and clip are 2 color Mokume that had been etched and the scales are 670 carbon fiber. 

This was my second experience with W2, although a tough steel to figure out, It was a fun challenge. I gotta throw out some props to Don Hanson for his insight on working with W2, a very cool dude!

Thanks for lookin!


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Here is a smaller version of the SKF dubbed "The Mini". The blade is 3 1/8" and OAL is 7 5/8". The blade is hand rubbed Elmax, all Ti handle, CF back Spacer, carved CF clip and lock stop with orange inlay. This one was sent off to Steel Treasure.

Thanks for lookin!


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Here is my latest...Persian style!

I'm a big fan of the Persians, so, this is a design that I've been wanting to make for quite some time now. The blade is 3.5" in hand rubbed Elmax and the overall length is 8.75". The bolsters are marbled CF and the scales are white G10.

I gotta throw out some props to John Gonzalez. As many as you know I did some shop monkeying for John, learning skills from the man him self. If you've noticed there is a distinct similarity between the flippers on this blade, the SKF and John's Alchemys. John has been very gracious in his his mentoring and in allowing me the use of his flipper tab design so a huge thanks goes out to you bro!:highfive:

Sorry for the crappy pics.

Thanks for lookin!
